Community Outreach

JVS Christmas Lighting is actively involved in Altruistic efforts throughout our local community we have a heart to make sure that everyone has a Merry Christmas actively involved giving back. Some things we do to give back:
Township Of Washington Festival
This yearly Festival features a Community Block Party Theme. Our year to year attendance is about 2500. Come join us for a fun-filled afternoon of family friendly community activities! Food, music, bouncy rides, pony rides, petting zoo, fishbowl toss, Police K9, Emergency Services information booths, local community vendor booths and much more!
Pony Power Therapies
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Pony Power Therapies relies on the support of our community to use horses to help people. Donations support participant programs, volunteer programs, the care of our hard-working herd of ponies and horses, the care of our small animals, and the care of our farm and environment. The support of our community helps bridge the gap between the fees we charge and the actual costs to run program, thus helping to keep it affordable for our participant families.
The John Thiessen Children’s Foundation
The John Thiessen Children’s Foundation provides hospitals and child-care facilities with therapeutic and recreational equipment, supports families with financial assistance to defray medical expenses, offers sick and needy children toys throughout the holiday season, fulfills patient’s (ages birth to 18 years old) wishlists throughout the year and assists sick and underprivileged children.
The Knights of Columbus — In Service to One. In Service to All.
Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society on March 29, 1882. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.
Florida School For The Deaf And Blind
The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB) was established in 1885 with the support of the State of Florida and private contributions. Based in St. Augustine, we are recognized as one of the top schools for the deaf and blind in the nation and the only one of its kind in Florida.
The Mission of Joan’s Joy
The Joan Angela D’Alessandro Foundation honors the memory of 7-years old Girl Scout Joan. The Foundation promotes child safety via programs we provide and legislation we advocate. In addition , we provide support to neglected and abused children through fun and educational excursions; and we help victims of crime by way of consultation. Joan’s story has brought hope through awareness and prevention. The lives of thousands will continue to benefit from the impact of her legacy.

Ridge Ranch Kindergarten School
Thanks again for the pumpkins. We have been measuring the stems, weighing them and finding the width. We also have been writing poems.
Thanks for your generosity!